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2003年A-B自動化博覽會系列報道(三)――Exhibitor New Product Showcase Guide Automation Fair 2003
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Automation Fair 2003
Booth 237

Highlight: Bachelor Controls will offer free demonstrations of the latest release of BCI AUTOPILOT? the industry's first and most advanced automated cooking extrusion control system. Also, the company's machine vision capabilities will be on display in the DVT exhibit, Booth 500, featuring the BCI/DVT collaboration for Harley-Davidson, as published in the November A-B Journal.
Contact: Rick Smith, 123 N. Washington, Sabetha, KS 66534
Phone: 785-284-3482 Fax: 785-284-3461
Web: www.bachelorcontrols.com E-mail: media@bachelorcontrols.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 550
Highlight: Adept?Technology, Inc. provides a broad, flexible line of softwareintensive, computer-driven automation products for assembly, material handling and packaging applications. Adept will showcase the newly announced Adept Cobra PLC Robot, which is a high-performance 4-axis SCARA robot with a PLC server. All system configuration, initialization and programming is performed directly from the customer-supplied PLC. It is one of the most cost-effective robots in the industry.
Contact: Stacey Cook, 3011 Triad Dr., Livermore, CA 94551
Phone: 925-245-3400 Fax: 925-960-0452
Web: www.adept.com E-mail: info@adept.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 227
Highlight: Burkert's AirLINE Type 8644 Remote Process Actuation and Control System now is compatible with the Rockwell Automation Point I/O?System. Designed for maximum flexibility, AirLINE is the only system that allows Rockwell Automation's Point I/O modules and high-performance Burkert solenoid pilot valves to be mounted in a single, compact, rail-mount assembly. A Burkert/Rockwell Automation AirLINE system supports almost any process field device, pneumatic or electronic, across many different markets.
Contact: Ursula Johns, 2602 McGaw Ave., Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: 949-223-3102 Fax: 949-223-3165
Web: www.burket-usa.com E-Mail: ursula.johns@burket.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 211
Highlight: Belden announces EtherNet/IP?compatible cables for industrial Ethernet applications. DataTuff cables, meeting the EtherNet/IP specifications, are now available along with the full line of DataTuff products that withstand the harsh conditions found in industrial environments. Only Belden can offer DataTuff cables with the installable performance advantage utilizing patented bonded-pair technology.
Contact: Frank Koditek, 2200 US Highway 27 S., Richmond, IN 47374
Phone: 765-983-5200 Fax: 765-983-5257
Web: www.belden.com E-mail: frank.koditek@belden.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 306
Highlight: Bussmann will feature world-class circuit protection products, including the new 100-amp CUBEFuse? Surge3, and its latest fuseholder solutions. Also featured will be Bussmann services, Safety BASICS and Low-Peak?Upgrade, which promote reduced inventory and increased workplace safety.
Contact: Susan Barron, 114 Old State Road, Ellisville, MO 63021
Phone: 636-394-2877 Fax: 636-527-1416
Web: www.bussmann.com E-mail: sbarron@buss.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 522
Highlight: Cognex announces In-Sight Explorer, a new user environment for its award-winning family of In-Sight vision sensors. Explorer makes the development of vision applications even easier by combining efficient vision application development with powerful tools with which to administer a vision sensor network. By addressing all aspects of vision sensor implementation in a single, easy-to-use environment, Explorer reduces the cost of ownership for machine vision installations.
Contact: John Lewis, One Vision Dr., Natick, MA 01760
Phone: 508-650-3140 Fax: 508-650-334
Web: www.cognex.com E-mail: john.lewis@cognex.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 500
Highlight: DVT Corporation announces the release of two new Legend SmartImage camera models. The Legend 550 series, operating at speeds up to eight times faster than the Legend 540 series, is available in four models: high-speed, high-speed/color, high-speed/high resolution, and high-speed/high resolution and color. The Legend 510 is a fully functioning CMOS smart camera system, without readers, that sells for under $2,000, representing the best dollar-for-dollar value on the market today.
Contact: Richard Daigle, 1855 Satellite Blvd. #100, Duluth GA 30097
Phone: 770-814-7920 Fax: 770-814-7925
Web: www.dvtsensors.com E-mail: Richard.daigle@dvtsensors.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 418
Highlight: Data-Linc Group introduces the FastLinc Wireless Ethernet Modem family, a new high-speed wireless Ethernet product line. Specifically designed for industrial environments, FastLinc provides both wireless in-plant communications and outdoor SCADA solutions. FastLinc is available in both standalone modem (access point) and PCMCIA card versions.
Contact: Michelle Sparks, 3535 Factoria Blvd. SE, Suite 100, Bellevue, WA 98006
Phone: 425-882-2206 Fax: 425-867-0865
Web: www.data-linc.com E-mail: info@data-linc.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 332
Highlight: Home of OptiMatrix, the most technologically advanced and
comprehensive system for improving plant production efficiency, ESE combines consultation, manufacturing and engineering skills to provide each client with a personalized plant production assessment and implement a strategy with realistic ROI scores; drive their production environment to new levels of efficiency; and stimulate profitability beyond what technology could offer only three years ago.
Contact: Tom Walther, 3600 Downwind Dr. PO Box 1107, Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-387-4778 Fax: 715-387-0125
Web: www.ese1.com E-mail: walthert@ese1.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 523
Highlight: EST will release its new wireless ESTeem Ethernet products for 802.11a (54 M bps), 802.11b (11M bps), and 802.11g (54 M bps) standards. All products will be in a new case format that is industrially hardened for outdoor mounting, power over the Ethernet cable to reduce feedline costs, and high power for long-range applications.
Contact: Tom Kirchner, 415 N. Quay St., Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone: 509-735-9092 x12 Fax: 500-783-5475
Web: www.esteem.com E-mail: kirchner@esteem.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 420
Highlight: Ferraz Shawmut's ever-growing SmartSpot?indicator family of currentlimiting, time-delay fuses will be on display. Discover how the company's new highspeed Class J fuse delivers advanced protection for today's sensitive electronic motor
controllers. Also, a special technical session will be presented every day at 2:00 PM detailing how Select-A-Fuse/PE?software helps OEMs and designers of power electronics choose the right fuse for the protection of power semiconductor circuits.
Contact: Chris Howell
Phone: 978-462-6662 Fax: 978-462-0181
Web: www.ferrazshawmut.com E-mail: info@ferrazshawmut.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 328
Highlight: Frontline Test Equipment, Inc. is a new Encompass Partner that will demonstrate its NetDecoder?industrial control and SCADA sniffer and network analyzer. When troubleshooting Allen-Bradley?network and data communication problems, NetDecoder?will help cut network downtime, paying for itself the first time it is used. It is also a valuable timesaving tool for integrators and software engineers working in product development, testing, and installation.
Contact: Steve Liberman, 337 W. Rio Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: 434-984-4500 Fax: 434-984-4505
Web: www.fte.com E-mail: sliberman@fte.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 513
Highlight: Hiprom presents the 1756HP-GPS for the Allen-Bradley?ControlLogix?platform. By harnessing the power of the global positioning system, this module is able to provide precision timing information across the ControlLogix backplane. Other GPS information is also available, including position, velocity, and GPS receiver status.
Contact: Graham Proctor, 24 Twain St., Irvine CA 92612
Phone: 949-509-9347 Fax: 949-509-9348
Web: www.hiprom.com E-mail: graham@tyrox.net
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 531
Highlight: Helm Instrument Company introduces a low-cost weighing module for the Allen-Bradley?1769 platform. The Helm Model HM 1520-SGW provides for two independent channels and can accept two 350-ohm strain gauges or four 700-ohm strain gauges. The features include: 16-bit analog-to-digital with internal conversion rate of 10 microseconds, internal gauge excitation and signal conditioning, softwareselectable gain and balance control, programmable calibration setting, and more.
Contact: Mary Tice, 361 W. Dussel Dr., Maumee, OH 43537
Phone: 419-893-4356 Fax: 419-893-1371
Web: www.helminstrument.com E-mail: mlt@helminstrument.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 622
Highlight: Leviton will showcase its line of low-voltage surge protective modules for factory automation and industrial control; rackmounted SPD's for networking and A/V equipment; and its IEC 309-1- and 309-2-compliant Pin and Sleeve and PowerSwitch?Mechanical Interlock line.
Contact: Pamela Winikoff, 59-29 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362
Phone: 718-281-6155 Fax: 718-281-6252
Web: www.leviton.com E-mail: pwinikoff@leviton.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 505
Highlight: Hirschmann Electronics will display the new RS-16M family of Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches and the new Spider 5TX five-port Unmanaged Rail Switch. Hirschmann will also display their revolutionary MICE 2000 and MICE 3000 Modular Managed Industrial Switches.
Contact: David Joy, 20440 Century Blvd., Germantown, MD 20874
Phone: 240-686-2300 Fax: 240-686-3589
Web: www.hirschmann-usa.com E-mail: ans@hirschmann-usa.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 405
Highlight: Introducing the iNET/ENI providing embedded serial DF1 to EtherNet/IP?connectivity without an external adaptor. Configuration emulates the 1761-NET-ENI for compatibility with Allen-Bradley?MicroLogix? SLC? and PLC controllers, or any DF1 full duplex device. Also introducing the EntraNET 900, which provides new levels of serial. The module and EtherNet/IP performance for long-range, solar or battery power requirements is also optimized for factory/process applications and field force automation.
Contact: Deanna DeFisher, 175 Science Parkway, Rochester NY 14620
Phone: 585-241-5539 Fax: 585-242-9620
Web: www.microwavedata.com E-mail: ddefisher@microwavedata.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 340
Highlight: Microscan's Quadrus EZ?is a smart camera that functions like a laser bar code scanner. Quadrus EZ?can be programmed in less than 60 seconds and provides system integrators with a simple plug-and-play solution for reading challenging lowcontrast laser-etched and dot peen symbols on automotive parts. By combining the robust software features of a vision system with the ease of use and price point of a laser bar code scanner, Quadrus EZ?provides a true out-of-the box solution.
Contact: Susan Snyder, 1201 SW 7th St., Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425-226-5700 Fax: 425-226-8250
Web: www.microscan.com E-mail: info@microscan.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 616
Highlight: MTE's Series B Matrix Harmonic Filters reduce total harmonic current distortion, eliminating nuisance breaker trips, motor overheating, and even system shutdown while saving energy through reduced power factor, especially important in mission-critical applications. Line/load reactors and a broad range of power quality equipment will be on display.
Contact: Dennis Faltis, W5433 Lost Nation Rd., Elkhorn WI 53121
Phone: 262-742-3400 Fax: 262-742-3441
Web: www.mtecorp.com E-mail: dfaltis@imvfmc.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 724
Highlight: Numatics?brings EtherNet/IP?to the device level. Standalone Allen-Bradley?DeviceLogix?in a pneumatic valve manifold replaces air logic systems. Contact: Mark Madsen, 1450 N. Milford Rd, Highland, MI 48357 Phone: 248-887-4111 Fax: 248-887-4768
Web: www.numatics.com E-mail: marketing@numatics.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 313
Highlight: ProSoft Technology, Inc. introduces the new RadioLinx. It is wrapped up in a compact, extruded aluminum case with DIN rail mounting and is constructed with the specifications and performance requirements to meet today's most demanding automation application. Upcoming products include our new MVI69 interface modules for the Allen-Bradley?CompactLogix?platform.
Contact: Danetta Bramhall, 1675 Chester Ave., Fourth Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: 661-716-5100 Fax: 661-716-5101
Web: www.prosoft-technology.com E-mail: prosoft@prosoft-technology.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 417
Highlight: Panduit Corp. is introducing a new IP67 sealed industrial TX5e Connector and Plug, which provides an ideal solution to support Industrial Ethernet devices on the plant floor.
Contact: Harlene Wengre, 17301 Ridgeland Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477
Phone: 708-532-1800 Fax: 708-614-0254
Web: www.panduit.com E-mail: HMW@panduit.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 413
Highlight: Rice Lake Weighing Systems, an ISO 9001-registered company, has been a leader in the industrial scale and process control weighing industry for over 50 years. Rice Lake's instrumentation features emerging technologies that are designed for connectivity in industrial networks using the latest in fieldbus protocols. Our innovative weighing and control solutions will be on display at our booth.
Contact: Debbie Flickinger, 230 W. Coleman St., Rice Lake, WI 54868
Phone: 715-234-9171 Fax: 715-234-6967
Web: www.rlws.com E-mail: prodinfo@rlws.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 304
Highlight: The Siemon Company's Industrial Max RJ45 Connector is ODVAcompliant, IP-67-rated and vibration- and temperature-resistant. It is the perfect solution for your plant-floor Ethernet connectivity requirements.
Contact: Jim Westerman, 27 Siemon Company Dr., Watertown, CT 06795
Phone: 860-945-8409 Fax: 860-945-4225
Web: www.siemon.com E-mail: jim_westerman@siemon.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 401
Highlight: Spectrum Controls will feature three new products including its: 8- Channel 1769sc-IF8u High Density Universal Analog Input Module, offering maximum flexibility; 8-Channel 1756sc-CTR8 Counter/Turbine Flowmeter for the Allen Bradley?ControlLogix?Control System, which is ideal for counter and general purpose turbine flowmeter applications; and 8-Channel 1756sc-IF8H & 1756sc-OF8H Analog+HART I/O, providing the foundation for a powerful control and asset management system.
Contact: Cherie Wentz Blehm, PO Box 5533, Bellevue, WA 98006
Phone: 425-746-9481 Fax: 425-641-9473
Web: www.spectrumcontrols.com E-mail: spectrum@spectrumcontrols.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 516
Highlight: Offering a broad range of solutions for factory automation, Sola/Hevi Duty will display its standard products such as power conditioners, power supplies, surge suppression, uninterruptible power supplies and transformers. Visitors will see how the awesome powers of Sola/Hevi Duty can help keep their facilities protected from the damaging effects of poor power quality.
Contact: Jamie Kim, 9377 W. Higgins Rd., Rosemont, IL 60015
Phone: 847-268-6620 Fax: 847-268-6016
Web: www.solaheviduty.com E-mail: jamie_kim@egseg.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 231
Highlight: SyTech, Inc. is a leading provider of automated Microsoft?Excel data analysis for production and management. The XLReporter was awarded the Control Engineering Editor's Choice award in 2002.
Contact: Terri Delaney, 81 Diamond St., Walpole, MA 02081
Phone: 508-660-0124 Fax: 508-660-7622
Web: www.TheReportCompany.com E-mail: sales@SyTech.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 419
Highlight: TCI, the leading provider of power inverter peripherals, is introducing the KMG Motorguard, which converts the PWM square wave shapes in a near sinusoidal wave form, removing high frequency voltage distortion. Also new is the latest upgrade to its the reactor product lines. TCI's new Universal Mounting foot design allows both the KDR and KLR reactor lines to be virtually interchangeable with the majority of reactors on the market today.
Contact: Kara Zakula, 7878 N. 86th St., Milwaukee, WI 53224
Phone: 414-357-2743 Fax: 414-357-4484
Web: www.transcoil.com E-mail: kzakula@transcoil.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 515
Highlight: Thomas & Betts will conduct live demonstrations of the Ty-Fast?Automated Fastening System and the Spec-Kon?Universal Applicator. The Ty-Fast system can automatically install cable ties for bundling applications in less than one second. The Universal Applicator allows users of wire processing equipment to use quality Spec-Kon terminals. Thomas & Betts is a leading designer and manufacturer of connectors and components for the worldwide electrical market.
Contact: Ellen Vizzi, 520 S. Front St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Phone: 215-440-9800 Fax: 215-440-0717
Web: www.tnb.com E-mail: steve@hbmadv.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 705
Highlight: Transtector?Systems is announcing three new products that are now approved through the Encompass?Program. Please stop by the booth to see the new ACP100DR2, 12R SA 480D, and PDS series.
Contact: Kim Reynolds, 10701 Airport Dr., Hayden ID 83835
Phone: 800-882-9110 Fax: 208-762-6107
Web: www.transtector.com E-mail: kreynolds@transtector.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 300
Highlight: Weed Instrument Company is featuring its growing family of EOTec 2000 fiber-optic products, with over 90 different modules. No matter what the application requires, Weed has the solution. Featuring state-of-the-art technology, configurable, hot swappable modules with FM qualifications for Class 1, Div 2 hazardous locations and -40 to 85?C operating temperature range. Weed offers fiber-optic communication products for factory automation, process control and other LANs.
Contact: Rick Pennavaria, 707 Jeffrey Way, Round Rock, TX 78664
Phone: 512-434-2858 Fax: 512-434-2851
Web: www.weedinstrument.com E-mail: rpennavaria@weedinstrument.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________
Booth 530
Highlight: Westlock Controls is introducing three new devices to its FF Intellis family of products, which include the 5430 ICoT proportional valve controller, the 7345 ESD/partial stroke and the 2-stage dribble control FPAC discrete valve controllers. For more information or to observe these and other Westlock-engineered products, please stop by the booth and pick up one of Westlock's instrumentation screwdrivers.
Contact: Carla Lavoy, 280 Midland Ave., Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
Phone: 201-794-7650 Fax: 201-794-0913
Web: www.westlockcontrols.com E-mail: carlalavoy@westlockcontrols.com
Editor Notes:________________________________________________________



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